Startups & Product management, Philosophy, Logic & Magic.
No corporate bullshit, HR's, or questions by the CEO. Radical Condor AGGGRH!!!
Published in 12 Oct 2022

Clarity in product manager's job

80% of product management job is to create clarity.

Clarity is about:

- Getting the right information, to the right people, at the right time.
- Creating shared context.
- Making the implicit explicit.

There are 3 levels of clarity every leader should both create and demand.

1. Organizational Clarity "Who are we, and why are we here?"

- What are our values and is our culture reflecting them?
- What makes our purpose so important?
- What orients our big decisions as a company?

2. Team Clarity "How do we win as a team?"

- What is our common goal?
- How do we depend on each other to achieve it?
- How do we become better every day at what we do?

3. Individual Clarity "What do I need to be at my best more often?"

- What are my values and am I living in alignment with them?
- What do my people need me to do and not do?
- What situations bring out the best and the worst in me?

by Paulo André

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